Monday, November 5, 2012

Why I LOVE PvDisk!

Hi All,

In today's topic I'd like to discuss why I love technologies like Citrix PvDisk.  PvDisk is a new product from Citrix that I think REALLY raises the bar when it comes to VDI.  For the most part non-persistent desktops are pretty easy to maintain.  You create your master image, roll it out and users aren't allowed to change it.  When you need to update the master image with patches or virus definitions, you just do it and all of the clients get the new master image.  This is great for call centers, libraries, etc, but what about folks like myself who want to install stuff on their my laptop?

Non-persistent is great for patching, and keeping the desktops in sync, but not so good for customizations.  Persistent is great for customizations, but not so good when it comes to keeping things in sync.  Users have a nasty habit of installing what I call, "company tolerated", applications.  For example, iTunes.  It's not going to cause any harm, but will IT make it a standard application?  Probably not.  This is where PvDisk comes to the rescue!

With PvDisk you get a drive all to yourself, it's yours, all yours!!!  The VDI administrators can make it any size they desire and it will survive in a non-persistent environment.  How cool is that!?!  So while my C:\ drive is updated with all the latest patches, virus definitions, etc., my P:\ drive remains consistent even after refreshes.  So I can install my company tolerated applications and still have a non-persistent desktop.  Best of both worlds!

So where does NetApp fit into all of this?  I did some testing with NetApp deduplication and compression and they still work on the P:\ drive!  What could be better?  If you're installing applications, I don't recommend using compression on your P:\ drive though. So your users can install their apps on their P:\ drive and store files in their CIFS shares.  Happy administrators and happy users!

Until Next Time!


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